Getting Started
You can install Reaction-ui from npm using
Avatar can be used to display a user.
Name | Type | Description |
type | String : ['boy','girl'] | Specifies the type of default avatar type (required) |
size | Number | Defines the size of the avatar |
src | String | Specifies the path/link for the image |
A button is a way to ask users for action
Text Box
Name | Type | Description |
fontFamily | String | Defines the font style in the button |
fontWeight | Number | Defines the weight of the font in button |
fontSize | Number | Specifies the size of the fonts in pixels |
borderRadius | Number | Corner radius of the button |
color | String:[Hex Code] | Color of the font/icon in button |
bgColor | String:[Hex Code] | Background Color of the button |
fullWidth | Boolean | Defines the 100% width of input |
Text Area
Name | Type | Description |
fontFamily | String | Defines the font style in the button |
fontWeight | Number | Defines the weight of the font in button |
fontSize | Number | Specifies the size of the fonts in pixels |
borderRadius | Number | Corner radius of the button |
color | String:[Hex Code] | Color of the font/icon in button |
bgColor | String:[Hex Code] | Background Color of the button |
Name | Type | Description |
size | Number | Specifies the size of the Checkbox pixels |
borderRadius | Number | Corner radius of the Checkbox |
checkmarkColor | String:[Hex Code] | Color of the checkmark in checkbox |
bgColor | String:[Hex Code] | Background Color of the Checkbox |
hoverBg | String:[Hex Code] | Background Color of the Checkbox on Hover event |
bgOnCheck | String:[Hex Code] | Background Color of the Checkbox after checked |
defaultChecked | Boolean | To check the box by default |
Name | Type | Description |
size | Number | Specifies the size of the Checkbox pixels |
switchColor | String:[Hex Code] | Color of the switch/thumb |
toggleOffColor | String:[Hex Code] | Color of toggle when OFF |
toggleOnColor | String:[Hex Code] | Color of toggle when ON |
defaultChecked | Boolean | To keep toggle ON default |
Pure Layout of CSS FlexBox and 12 Column Grid
Name | Type | Description |
fullWidth | Boolean | Defines the 100% width of div |
justify | String | Justify the flex items |
items | String | Aligns the flex items on cross axis |
direction | String | Direction of the Flex Container |
padding | Number | Padding of the Flex Container |
gap | Number | Gap between the flex items |
Name | Type | Description |
rowGap | Number | Gap between the Gird Row |
colGap | Number | Gap between the Gird Column |
start | Number | Applied only on Column to specify start grid line |
end | Number | Applied only on Column to specify end grid line |
Custom Fonts
() => This is a Custom Font
Name | Type | Description |
fontFamily | String | Defines the font style |
fontWeight | Number | Defines the weight of the font |
fontSize | Number | Specifies the size of the fonts in pixels |
borderRadius | Number | Corner radius of the backDrop |
color | String:[Hex Code] | Color of the font |
backDrop | String:[Hex Code] | Color of the back drop |